To open the gangway we had both electricians Ivar and Ørjan present, and from the reception Marivic, Marilyn, Line and Chief Purser Jesper. This to make sure everything was in order since the gangway has not been in use for 21 days.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Buenos Aires
To open the gangway we had both electricians Ivar and Ørjan present, and from the reception Marivic, Marilyn, Line and Chief Purser Jesper. This to make sure everything was in order since the gangway has not been in use for 21 days.
Land! We can see land!
Friday, 30 October 2009
Birthdays & Bingo
Today the Able Bodys have been preparing the ship for arrival Buenos Aires on Saturday. The entire ship has been washed. On the picture you see William washing deck 7, at least you can see his nose and mouth as he is covering up to avoid the sun.
We have been celebrating Jimmy, Jael, Mulituba and Heminigildo's birthdays. Housekeeping and reception made some nice decorations in the bar on deck 7 to set the mood. And the cooks made pizza and cakes.
Position tonight at 23:20 S34'51'' W54'03''
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Olympic Games Final
Position tonight at 23:15 S32'28'' W50'55''
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Day 2 Fram Olympic Games
Then it was the muimies time to show up. The teams had to wrap one of the members in toiletpapers. We had problem with the camera yesterday, so Marylin in the white costume was wraped again today. The wrapers on the picture are Jael, Marivic and Line. There were two winning team in this competition.
Next game the teams had to throw a ballon with water to each other, and of course, if the ballon broke, the team was out of the competition. Winner was the Restaurant team.
And after a thrilling competition in sack race with 3 crew members inside, Deck team won. Some of the teams had a big challange to stand up on their feet - and jump without falling.
Every day we call the officers on the bridge to get the position. Chief Officer Espen and Navigation Officer Clyde, gave us at 18:05 the following position; S29'05'' W46'52''
Monday, 26 October 2009
Olympic games
Position today at 18:15 S26'27,2'' W43'51,8''
Saturday, 24 October 2009
This morning it was grey outside. But we can't do anything about the weather, other than complaining.... and today it was no reason for that either, suddenly the sun was shining so beautifully. Our Chief Engineer Tormod is looking at the beautiful sunset.
It is amazing how nice weather we have had on this journey from New York. We have sailed for 15 days now, and next Sunday, November 1st, we will for sure be in Buenos Aires :-)
Today some of the crew have started waxing the floors in crew area. Our Hotel Manager Else Kristine, was outside her office when they started, and she is not allowed to go in there yet. So right now she is sitting, making comments, in the reception. But she is happy - later she will be proud of the shining floor outside her office. As you can see on the picture, Richardson & Rodaniel are very accurate when doing this job.
Waxing floors??? Chef Jimmy wanted to try to wax his legs, and Hotel Manager were happy to help him.
Position today at 18:00 is S19' 35'' W38' 00''
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Last night we had the finals in our dart competition. Housekeeper Marissa and Head Waiter Allan won after many tough rounds of throwing the darts. Actually it is not that easy to do on a moving vessel at sea.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Changing course
Our electricans Ørjan and Ivar have a lot of maintenance work on this crossing. Here you can see them working with the engine on our mob boat. After having a rough time in the sun (sunburned), they where happy to be hiding inside.
They asked us to put a picture of them on the blog so they can send their greetings to their friends, family and passengers who has been traveling with us earlier.

The winner of the competion was assistant chef Eduardo and Ivar after a very exciting final.
Today has been a busy day for the bridge. For 4 days we have been on the same course and at 12.28 this afternoon we changed to the new course, which now are 161 degrees.
Our position at 17:00 was S 5' 49'' W 34' 47''
Equator line
Early this morning, at 05:50 a.m., we crossed the Equator line. We crossed it at W028' 24,4"
Normally the ships doing the crossing, get a visit of King Neptun, as also entered MV Fram.
Suddenly we got a message over the PA system; King Neptun has arrived, meet outside on deck 7 - now!

It is a special happening to cross the equator line with a ship - to be a real Seaman - you have to be baptized :-)
6 crew onboard crossed the equator for the first time, and they had to be baptized according to Netptuns hard rules. They where threated with Neptuns spezialities, which are not like the splended food we normally get.
We congratulate and welcome the new Seamen Marilyn, Ramon, Mobanga, Angela, Gawas, Eduardo and Malituba in our big family.
Monday, 19 October 2009
"Working 9 to 5....."
As you already know we have no passenger onboard at the moment.
But we have a lot of work to do. Our Engine Fitter Terje have know checked the aircondition system in all cabins. Terje is a hard working man that likes to take his coffeebreaks outside on sun deck:-) If you follow our blog, we will later show you a picture of his nice tan.
Jennifer, Janette, Erman, Rodaniel, Marissa and Edward have been busy cleaning cabins. All together we have 177 passenger and crew cabin. So you can imagine what they are thinking about when they go to sleep (counting mirrors, pillows, toiletbrushes and so on)
We have to mention that they have more helpers, but we where busy working another place.
Our position today is N2' and W39' 47"
Tomorrow we have a big happening here:-)
Sunday, 18 October 2009
The weather has been perfect so far. Warm winds and sunny days are nice for the pale-faced Scandinavians onboard BUT we do other things than tanning as well. Actually it is hard work from early morning as the whole vessel is being thoroughly cleaned and all technical installations are being checked for Fram to be in "ship shape" when we start our 3rd Antarctic season from Buenos Aires on November 2nd.
While some of the crew loves the sun others tend to stay inside and hide but when the sun sets activities on deck increase. Tonight we had Air Gun Competition. The picture shows Marivic - who did not hit the target once :-) Obviously Ola, our enthusiastic Safety Officer, wasn´t much of a teacher!
At 17:43 today we had sailed a total of 2873 Nautical miles from New York and our position is N5' 37" and W42' 15" Outside temperature is 29C