Monday, 7 July 2014

Monday 7 July

After a good sleep sailing through the impressive Kangerlussuaq Fiord we woke up sailing on the gentle waves of the Strait Davis heading up north along the western coast of Greenland.

The landing on the island of Qeqertarsuaq was planned to take place at 6 in the evening so we had time to listen and watch the lectures made be the Expedition Team. They gave us a very good introduction to the history of Greenland and the modern life of everyday Greenland and a thorough explanation of what ice and snow actually consists of.

The town of Qeqertarsuaq is like all Greenlandic towns very picturesque. Only some 950 people live here. There is a fish factory in Qeqertarsuaq but in Greenland the island is mainly known for the volcanic basalt rock the island is made of whereas most of the rest of Greenland consists of Granit and Gnejs rock. And the town is known for its tiny warm springs of which one of them produces the only bottled spring water which is exported from Greenland.

Some of us went on a brilliant ice cruise and got to see the majestic icebergs from very close. The variations in color are amazing and the sizes and shapes the ice comes in are endless.