Today we arrived in the wonderfully British capital of the Falkland Islands, Port Stanley. Strong winds heralded our arrival as the Fram was moored to the dock. A shuttle bus provided transportation to and from the city-center where passengers could view the local sights, including the church, the post office, the 1982 war memorial, and meet local ‘Kelpers’ and hoist a pint or two in one of several pubs.

There was also an opportunity to spend money in the many gift shops. Upland geese, steamer ducks and other birds strutted along the waterfront or swam in the water. Blue-eyed cormorants gazed at us with piercing blue eyes, not unlike those of our fearless expedition leader.

Many passengers enjoyed a 3 hour nature hike, with scenic views of Stanley and the surrounding mountains that served as battlefields during the ‘82 conflict. Other people took a 7 hour bus tour and saw stately King penguins, smaller gentoo penguins as well as the distinctive black and white Magellanic penguins. The weather was beautiful and sunny as the Fram departed. A Biblical recitation by the Captain and singing of Christmas carols on deck 7 provided an excellent finish to a wonderful day in the southern hemisphere.