It's our last day. Hamburg welcomes us with grey and deep hanging clouds. We can't believe, that this wonderful trip went so quickly. After an early breakfast we left MV FRAM, our beautiful home during the last days. In the harbour the busses were waiting for us, a last good bye from the expedition team, a last hug to new friends and than everybody started his individual trip home.
One man's meat is another man's poison. In our case it meant, leaving passengers had been very sad, that a beautiful trip came to an end, but the new incoming guests were looking forward to a trip, they have been waiting for since weeks or even months.

After all checking in formalities MV FRAM left Hamburg at 6 pm. The sun came out during we were sailing on the river Elbe into the direction of the North Sea. First the harbour buildings, later on very nice houses and a beautiful landscape were passing by. Our trip couldn't start better!

After the safety drill - a required course - our Captain, Rune Andreasson, welcome us in the Panorama Lounge. Whilst he introduced his officers to us, Anja, our expeditionleader, introduced her expeditionteam.
Full of new impressions we went to bed, looking forward to the next day.