Day Two on the Drake. By now everyone was getting their sea legs and the dining room was well attended for breakfast. It seems that on most trips we have one or two guests that wish for a storm. They have a romantic notion about what experiencing a storm at sea will be like. They’ve seen A Perfect Storm or some other movie and think, “Gee! Wouldn’t that be neat! I want to experience that!” “Uh. No. You don’t,” I always think to myself but am too polite to say it out loud. “There isn’t an off switch to a storm.” In any case, I’m sure that the storm watchers were well satisfied with yesterday’s weather. It was business as usual today. Once again there were lectures scheduled throughout the day. We were able to schedule several bridge visits and we also had the mandatory IAATO briefings. It probably surprised some of our guests as we also had a vacuuming session where everyone had to thoroughly clean their outdoor gear to try to prevent any alien species from invading Antarctica. We finished the day with a fashion show where the officers and Expedition Team modelled clothing from the gift shop in the Observation Lounge.