Saturday, 29 August 2009


Colorful houses under a clear blue sky welcome us as we turn into the bay of Sisimiut, third largest town in Greenland. As soon as we are tied up at the pier we start with a full load of activities: A fast boat takes some of us to the scenic little island of Assaqutaq, where we learn a lot about the ancient Greenlandic way of living and fishing, their belief, but also about the pros and cons of Danish settlement politics in the early seventies. The early autumn light is just to the liking of the German camera team that is filming a documentary on this trip (to be broadcasted on Dec 25, 7pm, on NDR 3).
Those who stayed in town went on the very instructive historical hike or took more than just a look into the old town centre with the lovely museum and its exhibition of ethnic masks. It was also a good time to do a last bit of shopping before getting back on board. A splendid Qajaq (aka Kayak) demonstration ended our stay and very happy we set course towards our next destination, Disko Island.