“The 12th of June in the morning, wee saw a white beare, which wee rowed after with our boate, thinking to cast a rope about her necke; but when wee were neare her, shee was so great that wee durst not doe it.”
Willem Barents’ journal entry from his 1596 voyage.
- We reached our furthest point north: 81˚29’00” N (Yippee!).
- We found the pack ice and cruised along the pack (very cool).
- We found a beautiful big male Polar Bear in the pack ice almost right away (double yippee!).
- We saw many Harp Seals and a few Bearded Seals in the open pack ice.
- We all went for a cruise in the Polar Cirkel boats in the open pack ice (fantastic!)
- It was an absolutely beautiful day. Clear blue skies and no wind.

After a while our driver stopped and turned the engine off. It was a strange and beautiful environment. It was wonderful to just sit quietly and listen. The only sounds were those of the slapping of waves against ice floes and the occasional bumping and grating noises of the ice. It was quiet and peaceful. But as we have seen throughout the summer, cloudy days are more common than warm sunny days. Picture a few weeks from now when a snowy gale comes screaming through here with 50 knot winds. Ursus Maritimus belongs here, we don’t. It is as comfortable in a cold windy snow bank as we are in the jacuzzi on Fram. This is a place that, were we left on our own, that same cute and cuddly bear would eat us, or we would quickly die from exposure.