15:30 and a delicious aroma pervades every deck of the ship. Waffles! M-m-m-m-m. The Observation Lounge on deck seven has waffles. Edgar, one of our bartenders is there with a trio of waffle irons, a large tub of waffle batter and all the fixin's; whipped cream, maple syrup, strawberry sauce. Wipe the drool from your chin and join the queue.

The wind continues to drop, albeit very slowly. We still have big seas with 10 metre waves. The sea is following on our quarter stern which translates into a nice, rolling, comfy ride for us. Ah, Ernest. If you had only had Fram. The truth of the matter is, had I been on the James Caird with Shackleton and his five men I would not have survived. Most likely I would've been thrown overboard for being a quivering mass of useless jelly. Me on the Scotia Sea without waffles? Forget about it.
The Expedition Team is impressed with the stalwart nature of all our fine guests on board. We are pleased that the lecture rooms are full even in these heavy seas. We are happy that you are so attentive and have lots of great questions with which to challenge us. It makes our job a pleasure, so thanks for risking a few bruises in the lecture rooms!