On a personal note:
We are very happy to announce that our Chief Officer Bjørn-Ivar is back in business! He has really been sick. A decent MAN-(in)flu(enza).
We are very happy to announce that our Chief Officer Bjørn-Ivar is back in business! He has really been sick. A decent MAN-(in)flu(enza).
Sitat: “D e deilig å vær på bedringens vei, så nærme døden som æ har vært!” ("It is good to be convalescence, so close to death that I have been")
We are very happy that you are alive- and can enjoy your new cabin!
Today we would like to introduce a man, who you have seen yesterday being baptised- because he forgot his certificate! And he answered the questions below BEFORE he realized that. Life can be hard and cruel...
Name: Eduardo Valdebenito
Position: Assistant Chef
How many years have you been working for Hurtigruten?
8 years.
How many times have you crossed the equator with a Hurtigruten ship?12 times.
What do you like best about equator crossing?
To prepare the disgusting mix for the baptism!
What are your jobs now during the crossing? Is it a big difference to the normal routine?Cooking for the crew. And it is different as there are no early breakfasts.
Is there something you always bring with you?
My suitcase.