I suppose, depending on your point of view, an albatross can be seen as good luck or as bad luck. All day long we had several Wandering Albatross and Black-browed Albatross following the ship. How can anything so magnificent be anything but good luck? They soared effortlessly over the sea using the mild winds we had today to stay aloft.

After breakfast we joined the Expedition team on deck seven for wild life watching. Occasionally those magnificent albatross would soar by the length of the ship having a look at all of us. At around 21:00 we noticed a definite change in the outside temperature. There is now a frigid chill to the air signifying that we have crossed the Antarctic Convergence. We are now in Antarctica!
We had a full day of lectures and watched part of the excellent Blue Planet documentary series in the evening.
Tomorrow we hope to do our first landing at Half Moon Island.