Cape Horn. The seaman’s nemesis. Sometimes it took sailing vessels literally months to round the Horn. This little piece of ocean was feared and respected by sailors. The calm seas we have enjoyed on the Drake have allowed us the luxury of cruising by Cape Horn from the Atlantic into the Pacific. The Captain blew the ship’s horn when we crossed from one ocean into the other. Cape Horn is a special place and we consider ourselves lucky to have had such excellent views of the historic nautical landmark.

We are fortunate on Fram to have a terrific atmosphere in which to work live and play. The atmosphere on any vessel starts at the top with the Captain and then trickles on down through every department. Today we would like to say a special thank you to the sailors and bossun on board. We see them almost every day. We get to know them well as they are also the Polar Cirkle boat drivers. There are other unsung heroes here such as the laundry men. We never see them but they are hard at work day after day in rough seas or calm. Thank you for doing such a terrific job!

We are fortunate on Fram to have a terrific atmosphere in which to work live and play. The atmosphere on any vessel starts at the top with the Captain and then trickles on down through every department. Today we would like to say a special thank you to the sailors and bossun on board. We see them almost every day. We get to know them well as they are also the Polar Cirkle boat drivers. There are other unsung heroes here such as the laundry men. We never see them but they are hard at work day after day in rough seas or calm. Thank you for doing such a terrific job!

Oh, and incidentally, it´s time for our photographer, Manuel, to say good-bye to the blog. As you can see, he was taken over by the stunning beauties of Antarctica!