The wind blew harder and the waves grew higher steadily through the morning.
I think one could come up with a formula using the number of empty seats in the dining room to accurately determine sea states and Beaufort scale. Today was between force 7 and 8 for much of the day. A comfy ride for those used to it. A long time riding the bunk for those who haven't yet found their sea legs.
While some of us may not be completely comfortable out here on the Drake, the many soaring albatrosses that attended the ship were in their element.
At 10:00 we joined the expedition team on the stern deck 7 to admire true masters of the southern wind, Wandering and Royal Albatrosses. We also saw many other seabirds including Slender-billed Prions, Wilson's Storm Petrels, White-chinned Petrels and Giant Petrels.
There were lectures throughout the day. In the evening many of us enjoyed an epsiode of the fabulous Blue Planet nature documentary series.
We are all excited contemplating the possibility of our first landing tomorrow at Half Moon Island!