This morning we woke up in calm seas to a gloomy and foggy Drake Passage. Antarctica was already a few scores of nautical miles behind us. Was it a dream? Were we really there? Did we really have all this wonderful weather - and all these rare encounters with the wildlife? Questions like this came to our minds as we were getting ready for the day; however, there was also another question which seemed to be nagging: Do we really have to spend the next two days on the Drake Passage at sea? Personally, I think it is a very good way to finish an outstanding voyage like this. Imagine what it would be like to finish your last landing in Antarctica and then be catapulted back to everyday life in an airplane in a matter of hours. These two days to wind down from an overdose of new and unforgettable impressions and from experiences so exciting and stimulating as we lived through during the last week are necessary for one's mental hygiene. I would not not want to be back quickly and be confronted with my daily routine, with news big and small, which will seem overly important all too soon. I do enjoy the privilege to sit back for the next two days and spend some time with my memeories and thoughts before it is back to the "real world".
Naturally there were all kinds of activities for us on board Fram today. There were bridge visits, lectures, movies, and of course we had the Captain's Dinner. After mercifully short speeches, the crew quickly and efficiently served a sumptuous meal. An unexpected parade of baked Alaska replete with sparklers and music was served for desert by a very enthusiastic crew. After our outstanding dinner the crew once again surprised us with their unexpected show talent. Again a memorable day.