Thursday 3 October 2013

Wind over the North Sea

Our day at sea, on our way from Bergen to Hamburg, will be remembered for its south-east wind blowing directly against us. This is the reason why many passengers choose to stay in their cabins and take it easy during the whole day.  When we passed Fanø bukt approximately at 20.30 p.m we had a strong gale, wind with 22 m per second ( which means 9 at Beaufort scale) and the waves  were 3 - 5 meters high. This weather will stay for a while, but the captain has told us that we will be in a more sheltered area at 02.00 this night. Tomorrow at 10.30 we will arrive in Hamburg, about 2 1/ 2 hours delayed due to the wind and strong ocean currents.

As usual on sea-days, the passengers had the possibility to attend to lectures by the members of the expedition team.  They could learn more about the voyages with MS Fram ( Anja Erdmann), about whales and dolphines ( Klaus Kiesewetter) and the townhall of Hamburg from a cultural-geological perspective ( Andreas Sanders).

Arne Kertelhein and Katja Kern had lectures about the Hanseatic League, and there was a Hamburg port presentation.

Our passengers could also meet the «Viking woman». Tone Holte, dressed  as a rich viking woman, told about the clothes, the culture and the life of women in the viking age. She also played the willow flute.

The programme of today ended with even more music: Our pianoplayer, Myles, entertained in the Observation Lounge, and Tone invited all to «Viking song and dance» . Some brave «vikings» even tried to dance together with her on the very unsteady dancing floor...