Almost a seaday - quite a distance to cover until we reached our todays destination, the glacier Eqip Sermia. So, while sailing through the beautyful Vaigat Sound, we had good time to entertain the guests with a whole lot of lectures - so they learned about greenlandic vegetation, the old ways of hunting for delicious food like "Giviaq" or "Mataq" and as well about the greenlandic situation in a modern world.
In the late afternoon we went ashore and had some time to stroll through the tundra and enjoy the view on the nearby located glacier. It was mostly snowing a little bit, but it was calm and so not getting too cold. But in the evening you could watch the watersurface starting to freeze ...
Back on the ship it was BBQ-time, taking the advanced season into consideration, it was not longer celebrated ashore but in the warm comfort of our cosy ship.