Some of us had the chance to see the fierce and evil looking leopard seal which did not mind the spectators and captured at least 4 penguins for breakfast, or was it lunch? Skuas were also waiting for penguins that were not paying attention to rob their eggs, which they did a couple of times. With the exception of these small devilish events, we could agree that penguin life is an enjoyable experience.
After the quiet and successful landing at Cuverville, we
continued our journey to Port Lockroy at Goudier Island after traversing the
Neumayer Channel. We were not quite sure if we were going to be able to land
there since other vessels had failed because of the ice conditions. But the
wind was blowing in the proper direction and we managed to put our feet on base
At present we are heading to Neko Harbour were we plan to
spend the night…..
The story continues tomorrow. Have nice dreams.