Today was a very forward day. 231 tired travelers from 15
nations collected themselves on the FRAM and at 6:09PM today, or 1809 in
ship-board time notation, we slipped sideways away from the dock in Ushuaia , Argentina
and our trip was underway. The weather today in Ushuaia was “pretty good” that
is only a breeze when we walked the dock, but not the gale force winds we
sometimes lean into when we walk along the water front. The skies were overcast
most of the day but cleared and it was sunny while we attended our safety
briefing and demonstration. Once the docklines were cast off and with Ushuaia
retreating in the background, we were on our way heading eastward in the Beagle
Channel. Our next stop and our first port of call will be Stanley in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. Beagle
Channel was first mapped and the depths were sounded by the British survey ship
BEAGLE. That ships second voyage to this area is better known, as in was on
that globe circling- circumnavigation- that the ships complement included the
young naturalist Charles Darwin. The British
Museum in London
houses the plant and animal specimens plus the fossil samples that Charles Darwin
collected on his land excursions in southern South America-the region known as Patagonia .
Tonight the Captain and his staff welcomed us onboard the
FRAM. Later we exited the eastern end of Beagle Channel and assumed a northeast-ward
course toward Stanley .
Tomorrow is a day at sea with lectures introducing us to the history, the sea
life and the geology of the waters we will sail across and the islands we will visit.