From our landing site we had to skirt along the back of the
beach to avoid often aggressive male fur seals. Once clear of the males and
their harems we had a walk inland on the outwash plain of the Konig Glacier.
The King Penguin colony is immense! All stages in the life cycle of the Kings
could be seen from eggs to chicks to downy adolescents to ‘yearlings’ that do
not yet have full colored plumage to thousands of adults to molting adults.
After lunch we reorganized and about 90 of us were landed on
the west side of Fortuna
Bay to do the Shackleton
hike. We were to follow the path that Sir Ernest, Tom Crean and Frank Worsley
traversed as the last part of their never before accomplished traverse across
the backbone of South Georgia . Our hike ended
adjacent to the Stromness whaling station.

Near the end of the landing some of us took Polarcirkels boat to the north end of the Stromness beach and here we began the steep upward climb on our hike over the loose shale and ridges to reach the area of the Lieth station. All arrived at the pick-up point at a small bay outside the Leith no trespassing zone and we arrived back at the FRAM in time for a hearty and deserved dinner.