Saturday 19 December 2009

Drake Passage

Farewell to Antarctica as we set off across the dreaded Drake Passage bound for the continent of South America and our final port of call, Ushuaia. The seas were calm and the sun actually broke through the cloud layer. The day was a quiet one at sea: lectures continued on various topics as well as tours of the bridge where the Captain answered a myriad of questions about our floating home.

Flocks of pintado petrels, a few albatross and other seabirds glided around the ship. We caught a final glimpse of an iceberg in the morning: a whitish dot low on the horizon. Our memories are rich with the things we have seen and experienced and we have made many new friends.

The evening was rounded off by the Captain’s dinner where the gallant officers and crew and intrepid staff gathered in the dining hall to wish us safe journeys.