When approaching Qeqertarsuaq the top of the mountains were covered in clouds. So instead of going vertical towards Lynmarksglacier the long hike group went horizontal in direction of the valley of the winds. But after the bridge we did not follow the red dots towards the waterfall, we looked for the yellow dots and stayed close to the shore-line. Looking backwards we could see the short hike groups walking along the beach enjoying the flowers and the icebergs along the way. After about one and a half hour hiking we had a splendid
view over a big part of the shoreline consisting of black basaltic rocks.
In the sea were lying numerous icebergs in all shapes and forms. Because we saw them from above we had the possibility to study their shapes and different colors. Just after lunch we agreed on taking on a new experience, 3 minutes of silence. While sitting in the grass and enjoying our first silent seconds we heard this enormous cracking sound...unbelievable the enormous iceberg just in front of us broke in two and we could enjoy the show and sounds that lasted for some minutes. We decided to make some noise by taking pictures and to take the three minutes of silence in another spot. At this same spot we could enjoy the forms and shapes of the basaltic rocks. When the lava cooled down it formed the most beautiful shapes, which we now see in the landscape as plateaus with cut-off basaltic columns and a basaltic columns in the shape of a rose. Nobody regretted the fact we had to change our plans and walk along the coast instead of hiking up towards the glacier.