What a very nice day with bright sunshine, mild temperatures and calm sea.

Today is a sea day with lots of activities. At 9 am our bridge tours for passengers started. At 11 am Carolina had a lecture on “Treasures of the National Gallery London” in the Polhøgda lecture hall. At the same time a lecture with Klaus started in the Framheim lecture hall. The topic was “London – the town of the Romans, Vikings and the Hanseatics.

In the afternoon the Countess Leontine of Schmettow gave a lecture with the topic “Insight into the Britis
h Royal Family. All lectures were repeated during the day.
At 9.30 pm the host Günter Meyer invited for a small talk round about ”Everyday life on an expedition ship” together with the Hurtigruten Hamburg Gerneral Managers Kasper Berens and Stephan Handwerker .