In the early morning we reached Aberdeen, Scotland´s third most populous city. There are several nicknames for this town, but “the Silver City with the Golden Sands” is perhaps the nicest one.

The buildings in Aberdeen are built out of a grey Granit, whose mica deposits are shining like silver in the sun. And we had sun. A strong wind blew the clouds of the morning away and for the rest of the day we had sunny weather with dark blue sky. The passengers had time to visit the town by their own or with an excursion.
Some started with a walk through a little fishing settlement, which lied directly next to our berth. The village had a little bit from paradise, little houses with small gardens, playing children in the streets, cars haven´t been allowed. Behind the village there was a nice path along the coast. As it was Sunday even Aberdeen´s inhabitants enjoyed the golden sandy beach with their children or dogs.
Some guests visited “Chrathes Castle” in the surrounding of Aberdeen. The castle is one of the most beautiful and best preserved buildings out of the 16th century and it is famous for his old paintings on the ceilings.
In the afternoon passengers had the possibility to enjoy “Pitmedden Garden”, which belongs to Scotland´s National Trust since 1952.
Another excursion went along the river Dee to Balmoral Castle, summer home of the Royal Family. One highlight of this tour was perhaps, that the Queen herself has been in Balmoral at this time. Just before the passengers arrived, the Queen left the church, so that there was at least a little royal shimmer left behind.