The sunny side
...of things is what we should look at rather than to frown and moan about the shadows.

It is mostly on departure days that this kind of thinking springs to mind, there is simply no reason to ponder philosophically on a bright blue sea day or during a fine landing in a beautiful place. But when it's over… different story. A noticeable reluctance in walking down the gangway for the last time on this trip, the melancholy of saying good-bye, climbing into the busses and waving back to the orange jackets that are gathered on the pier. It'll pass, for certain! There is something to look forward to, there is home and family and garden and springtime and dogs and friends and whatnot. And there is also the prospect of coming back. Wouldn't that be nice?

Meanwhile, another load of provisions and blue jackets and engine oil and parts and paint gets delivered and stored in the bowels of FRAM, crew and staff members are going and arriving, Hurtigruten officials come aboard for meetings and information and material. That also is changeover day, a logistical pitstop for all who work on the ship. But all with the nice backdrop of the pittoresque fortress of Akershus, whose turrets are pointing into a - no surprise here - blue sky. Pretty, pretty.
And not long until the busses appear, full with those who are going to take a ride with us to Hamburg. A lift rather, it is only one and a half day. So, folks, settle in quickly, not time to loose. Best to start right away, with a little leisure in the afternoon light.
Well, that's the sunny side, isn't it?