now, wasn’t that a great adventure? The first circumnavigation of Iceland on
FRAM - ever. We all are so happy that everything went so well, and indeed it
looked like everybody had a great time, that was certainly our impression at
the gangway in the morning, when we waved good-bye.
to everybody who went exploring with us in unknown waters! We enjoyed it a lot
and hope to see you back on board one day.
a few we do actually see again right now, because they made their dream
come true and have two voyages with us, back to back. That is definitely the
full Viking package, first to learn about their history in Iceland and as of
today follow the tracks they left in Greenland. And let’s not forget that the
following trip will bring us into the element our brave ship was built for -
into the ice!
nature and culture and history will come together to create very intense
experiences. This idea must have a world-wide attraction, as our new guests are
from many nations, all keen to discover and explore.
A warm welcome to all of
you! Let’s go Arctic…