Today we continued to enjoy the gentle face of the Drake Passage; although there was a bit of swell and fog, we had a smooth ride. Mid-morning, Captain Hansen unveiled a little surprise he had up this sleeve: considering we had made excellent progress due to the calm seas, he had set the vessel on course towards Cape Horn! We were excited to get within a couple of nautical miles of the southern tip of the American continent. As we sailed past this place steeped in respect and mystery, a fitting memorial to sailors lost at sea, we thought of the many ships that have rounded the Horn in days of yore.

Karin, our expedition leader, and Miguel are going home after some weeks on board MS Fram. They certainly are happy to be on land, but they -and quite possibly several of our passengers!- concur with Fritdtjof Nansen:

“Strange. There is always a sadness on departure. It is as if one cannot after all bear to leave this bleak waste of ice, glaciers, cold and toil…”
We wish you smooth sailing and safe voyages!