On this crescent-shaped island most penguins in the rookery are chinstraps - but there was a lonely macaroni penguin amidst them, standing out from the crowd because of its stockier body and bright yellow feathers on top of the head - the very ones that gave it its name! Sadly though, we suspect that this bird is on her own and will obviously need a mate for her attendance at the colony to be worthwhile.

After a quick lunch break, we landed on the opposite side of the straits we were in, at Yankee Harbour, a long spit of cobbled stones and terminal moraine material jutting into the sea off Greenwich Island. We continued to enjoy wonderful, sunny and warm weather, and were happy to find several gentoo penguin chicks still sporting their eggteeth. The weather continued to be idyllic and with the backdrop of Livingston Island (again), the place took on an almost dream-like quality.