We felt the mood of the Drake throughout the night, only to awake to a southwesterly gale. The temperature had risen to about 7 degrees Celsius (45 F) and the bridge crew had made a lot of headway throughout the night to minimize the amount of time passengers had to be exposed to the elements.
The day started with bridge tours, during which captain Hårvik explained the main instrumentation found on the FRAM. People learned about the propulsion system and the state of the art mapping computer that allows for great and crucial improvements in bathymetry around old and new landing sites.
The afternoon in the Beagle Channel was spent with packing and other preparation for the way home, yet many were drawn to the last several lectures on Shackelton, Geology, Arctic Treaty and Climate Change. The latter was followed up by some very interesting and thought provoking group discussions ranging from individual actions to economics and the role of government.
Our last evening onboard ended with our traditional quiz, a fun opportunity for many to see how much information they have accumulated by diligently sitting through the many lectures provided throughout the trip.
And so, our second trip that included gales, storms, hikes, camping, whales and thousands of birds, marine mammals, and fascinating places has come to end. Very sadly for us who are staying on, some of the expedition team members are also leaving. They will continue to follow the adventures of the FRAM on this very blog throughout the season, albeit be it from afar.