As we make our way northwards across Drake Passage we have time to pause and reflect upon the incredible journey in which we have partaken. We have truly been lucky with the elements but not for nothing is this the peak season for visitors to Antarctica. The most important thing weather wise was that we have had very little wind which has made every landing successful. We had to dodge around ice here and there, but that is to be expected from time to time.
We have seen many fantastic things. For many people it was a dream, perhaps a dream of a lifetime to visit Antarctica and now that dream has been realized. We have made new friends. We have had many new experiences. It is difficult to summarize such a trip in just a few words. It will be a challenge for you to describe your experiences to your friends. One thing is certain, your enthusiasm will shine through. Flip back through your photographs and revisit this blog and your memories will come alive.
We have learned a lot. We have learned about Antarctic history, wildlife and geology and as we continue across the Drake we keep on learning - starting with a quiz this evening that promises to be fun!
The journey is not yet over. The Drake is a famous passage of water that has been the wreck of many a poor vessel. But Sir Francis' namesake is treating us kindly. We have light winds with calm seas once again. Cape Petrels and a host of other sea birds have been following us throughout the day including Antarctic Prions, Wilson's Storm Petrels, Northern and Southern Giant Petrels, Grey-headed Albatross and Light-mantled Sooty Albatross.