Some were lucky and spotted musk oxen and some saw the snow hare and most of us
saw tracks of a BIG polar bear. There has been two resent visits from polar
bear in Mestersvik.

the afternoon we sailed in to Alpefjord, a narrow fjord sorrounded by mountains
over 2000 meters high. In the end two gaciers meet and goes all the way down to
the water. Its not easy to go on land, so we go out in the ”polar circle boats”
and cruice for a while. We went close to the icebergs, drove along the 20 meter high wall of ice and we even saw
some bearded seals relaxing on a piece of glacer ice.
we woke up the weather not god, it was foggy, rainy and cold. Just as we set
foot in Mestervig we saw the sun, and after that it just got better.