Thursday, 18 September 2014

15.09.14 First sea day DAY 12

Today was the first of our two sea days on the crossing to Svalbard. We started the day off with fog. That was a shame, because we were sailing along the ice edge and were really hoping to see polar bears. Unfortunately we did not see any, also when the fog lifted later that day.
So we were having lectures on board Fram today. 

We had both english and german lectures. One lecture from our two Greenlandic ladies about culture. A lecture about hunting by one of our Sirius guys Martin and a lecture about ice by one of our geologists Steffen. This turned out to be a fine way of spending the day.

After the seated dinners were over, the trainees onboard Fram had prepared a quiz for all the passengers. 

This was held in the observation lounge and people were divided into boatgroups. They had to answer around 20 different questions. One particular hard one was ”How to spell Scoresbysund in Eastgreenlandic?” Now that the quiz is over i will give you the answer to that one: ITTOQQORTOORMIIT.